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Showing posts from December, 2021

Conservative force and non conservative force

Conservative force: There are the following points that describe the conservative force- The conservative force depends on the position of the particle and does not depend on the path of the particle. In conservative force, The kinetic energy of the particle does not change between the positions. Let us consider a particle is moving from position $A$ to position $B$ under the conservative force. If the kinetic energy of the particle at position $A$ and $B$ is $K_{i}$ and $K_{f}$ then for conservative force- $K_{i}=K_{f}$ In conservative force, The work done by the force in completing one round between any two positions is zero. According to the work-energy theorem $W=\Delta{K}$ $W=K_{f}-K_{i}.......(1)$ For conservative force, the kinetic ener