Showing posts with label Optical Fibre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Optical Fibre. Show all posts

Attenuation of optical signal in optical fibre

Attenuation (or Loss) of optical signal in optical Fibre:

The difference in the power of the input optical signals and output optical output signals in optical fibre is known as attenuation in the optical fibre. It is measured in decibels per kilometer $(\frac{dB}{Km})$ and caused by the absorption and scattering of the optical signal in optical fibre.

The optical signal strength is reduced when the signal travels in optical fibre over a long distance. The expression for the attenuation of optical signal in optical fibre:

$\alpha = - \frac{10}{x(Km)} log \left[ \frac{P_{x}}{P_{\circ}} \right]$

$P_{x} \rightarrow $ Power of optical signal at a position $x$ from origin
$P_{\circ} \rightarrow $ Power of optical signal at origin

The Losses in optical fibre are wavelength-dependent and the attenuation factor depends on the fibre material and manufacturing tolerance.

Types of Attenuation or Loss

A.) Absorption Attenuation or Loss
B.) Scattering Attenuation or Loss
C.) Bending Attenuation or Loss

A.) Absorption Attenuation or Loss:

The absorption of optical signals in optical fibre depends on the amount of the material in optical fibre. There are two types of absorption on optical fibre:

1.) Intrinsic Material Absorption
2.) Extrinsic Material Absorption

1.) Intrinsic Material Absorption: It is a fundamental minimum loss due to absorption when the optical signal passes through the optical fibre. This absorption occurs due to material in optical fibre with no impurities.

2.) Extrinsic Material Absorption: It is a loss due to absorption when the optical signal passes through the optical fibre. This absorption occurs due to a material having impurities ( such as $Fe^{+2}, Cu^{+2}, Cr^{+3}, and \: OH^{-}$ ion from water dissolved in glass) in the optical fibre material.

B.) Scattering Attenuation or Loss:

When the optical signal interacts with a particle then the energy of the optical signal is reduced and it goes in another direction. In scattering, the optical signal is not absorbed but it goes to any other direction which also causes the loss of the optical signal. Scattering is the loss of optical signal due to imperfections in the optical fibre i.e. the basic structure of the optical fibre. There are two types of scattering that occur in the optical fibre i.e.

1.) Linear Scattering:
2.) Nonlinear Scattering

1.) Linear Scattering: The amount of power of the optical signal transferred from an optical wave is proportional to power. There is no change in the frequency of the optical signal.

Types of Linear Scattering

i.) Rayleigh scattering in optical fibre
ii.) Mie scattering in optical fibre

i.) Rayleigh scattering in optical fibre: When the optical signal interacts with the lattice of the core it causes the scattering because the size of the lattice is smaller than the wavelength of the incident optical signal. This interaction is also known as elastic scattering.

In optical fibres, This scattering controls the intrinsic loss mechanism in the low-absorption between absorption tails of the ultraviolet and infrared. This is caused by random heterogeneity in the material of the core lattice that leads to changes in the refractive index. These changes cause attenuation in the optical signal by scattering in optical fibre.

ii.) Mie scattering in optical fibre: When the optical signal interacts with the lattice of the core that causes the scattering because in this scattering the size of a lattice is comparable to the wavelength of the incident optical signal. This interaction is also known as elastic scattering.

In optical fibres, This scattering occurs when the optical signal interacts with inhomogeneities in the fibre core or cladding that are larger than the wavelength of the incident optical signal.

2.) Nonlinear scattering: It is an inelastic scattering that occurs when an optical signal interacts with a material in a non-linear manner. Non-linear scattering occurs, when the intensity of the incident optical signal is very high to change the refractive index of material or when the optical signal interacts with molecules or particles that have non-linear optical properties.

In non-linear scattering, the intensity of the scattered optical signal is not proportional to the intensity of the incident optical signal, and the scattered optical signal can be polarized in different planes than the incident optical signal.

In other words,

In non-linear scattering the wavelength, frequency, or phase of scattered optical signal is different than the incident optical signal. The energy and momentum of the scattered optical signal are not conserved, hence, the scattered optical signal has different characteristics than the incident optical signal.

Types of Non-linear Scattering:

i.) Raman Scattering
ii.) Brillouin Scattering
iii.) Self-phase modulation (SPM)
iv.) Cross-phase modulation (XPM)
v.) Four-wave mixing (FWM)

i.) Raman Scattering: It is an inelastic scattering that occurs when a photon of optical signal interacts with molecules of vibrational modes in the material of the core then this photon excites the molecule to a virtual state before being re-emitted in a different direction with a different energy and frequency.

The frequency shift of the scattered optical signal is directly related to the molecule's vibrational energy, which is a characteristic property of the material.

Stimulated Raman scattering $(SRS)$ is an optical process (i.e. nonlinear process ) that enhances scattering by stimulating the molecules of vibrational modes. In SRS, a pump beam of high intensity is used to amplify the Raman signal which leads to a strong and more easily detectable output optical signal.

ii.) Brillouin Scattering: It is an inelastic scattering that occurs when an optical signal interacts with a material, usually a solid or a liquid, causing the material to vibrate.

It can also be said to be a scattering that occurs due to the interaction of an incident optical signal with the acoustic wave in a material.

The vibrating material scatters the optical signal, shifting its frequency by an amount proportional to the frequency of the vibration.

The scattering of the light by the vibrating material is called the Brillouin scattering. This scattering can be either stimulated or spontaneous. It depends on the material that is excited by an external stimulus or its own oscillations.

Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is used to control the optical signals in optical fibers and other waveguides. When the frequency of the incident optical signal is tuned to the frequency of the vibrational modes of the fiber then the scattered optical signal is shifted to a new frequency which allows for attenuation or amplification of the optical signal.

Brillouin scattering has various applications in materials science. It is used to study the mechanical properties of materials and to determine the stress and strain in solid materials.

iii.) Self-phase modulation (SPM): It is a non-linear effect that occurs when the optical signal of high intensity travels through an optical fiber. The intensity of the optical signal causes a change in the refractive index of the optical fiber that causes a phase shift in the optical signal.

This phase shift can cause the optical signal to spread out in time and frequency which leads to distortion of the transmitted signal.

In other words, The optical signal pulses change their spectrum due to their own intensity from an induced varying refractive index of the medium.

iv.) Cross-phase modulation (XPM): It is a non-linear effect that occurs when two optical signals, typically from two different channels, interact with each other in an optical fiber.

The interaction between the optical signals causes a change in the refractive index of the fiber, that causes a phase shift in one of the optical signals.

This phase shift can distort the optical signal which can lead to crosstalk between different channels in a fiber optic communication system.

v.) Four-wave mixing (FWM): It is a non-linear effect that occurs when two or more incident optical signals interact with each other in a non-linear medium and produce a new wave with a different frequency and phase.

It is used for wavelength conversion of optical signals and signal processing in optical fibers.

C.) Bending Attenuation or Loss: It is caused by the bending of optical fibre or physical stress on the fibre.

Types of Bend Loss

a.) Microbend Loss
b.) Macrobend Loss

a.) Microbend Loss: It is caused by small discountinuities or imperfections in the optical fibre. Microbend loss increses due uneven coating applications and improper cabling procedures. The external force is also a source of micro bending.

b.) Macrobend Loss: It is caused when the fibre bend's radius of curvature is larger than the fibre diametre. These bends are a great source of loss when the radius of curvature is less than several centimetres.

Principle of optical fibre communication

Optical Fibre Communication:

Optical fibre communication is a method of communication in which an optical wave passes through optical fibre by the total internal reflection principle. This optical signal consists of the electrical signal (Also known as information) and the laser beam i.e. a carrier wave. The optical fibre is used as a waveguide or transmission medium in optical fibre communication.

Principle of optical fibre communication:

In the optical fibre communication principle, the information (such as voice) is first converted into an electrical signal. Then it is modulated onto the laser beam (Also known as a carrier wave). In the modulation process, The electrical signal is superimposed onto the laser beam and the frequency of laser light changes with the frequency of the electrical signal. The optical fibre communication uses the pulse code modulation (PCM) for transmitting the optical signal. Now modulated optical signal passes through the optical fibre or waveguide, by the principle of total internal reflection, from the transmitter to the receiver.

The receiver receives the optical signal and demodulates it. In the demodulation process, the detector detects the signal and removes the carrier wave from the electrical signal. So the original information is received at the receiver end as sent by the transmitter.
Principle of Optical Fibre Communication
Optical fibre communication follows the principle of total internal reflection. When the light is incident at a certain angle into the core of the optical fibre, total internal reflection occurs within the optical fibre causing long-distance transmission.

Light in the optical fibre can be classified into two types: meridional rays, which travel along the meridional plane, and oblique rays, which propagate at an angle to the fibre axis.

Comparison of Step Index and Graded Index Fibres

Comparison of Step Index Fibres and Graded Index Fibres(GRIN)→

S.No. Step Index Fibre Graded Index Fibre
1. In a step-index fibre, the refractive index of the core a constant value. In graded-index fibre, the refractive index in the core decreases continuously in a nearly parabolic manner from a maximum value at the centre of the core to a constant value at the core-cladding interface.
2. For a step-index fibre, the variation of refractive index is mathematically expressed as,
$\begin{cases} & \mu(r)=\mu_{1} \qquad 0 < r < a \quad for (core)\\ & \mu(r)=\mu_{2} \qquad r >a \quad for(Cladding)\\ \end{cases} \\ Where \: \mu_{1} > \mu{2} $
Parabolic refractive index variation in GRIN fibre is mathematically expressed as,
$ \begin{cases} & \mu^{2}(r)=\mu^{2}_{1} \left[ 1- \left(\frac{r}{\alpha} \right)^{2} \right] \qquad 0 < r < a \quad for (core) \\ & \mu(r)=\mu^{2}_{2} \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad r > a \quad for (Cladding) \end{cases} $
3. In the step-index fibre, the propagating light rays reflect abruptly from the Core cladding boundary. In graded-index fibre, the propagating light rays bend smoothly as they approach the cladding.
4. for given fibre diameter, the numerical aperture of step-index fibre is large. For the same fibre diameter, the numerical aperture of graded-index fibre is small.
5. In the step-index fibre, there may be some irregularities at the interface between the core and cladding. In the graded-index fibre, there are no such irregularities at the interface between core and cladding.
6. The step-index fibre has higher attenuation. The graded-index fibre has lower attenuation.
7. For a step-index fibre of a given physical size, with a loss of power of the order of $12 \frac{dB}{km}$, the numerical aperture is of the order of $0.2$ to $0.35$. For a graded-index fibre of the same physical size, with an attenuation between $5$ to $10 \frac{dB}{km}$, the numerical aperture tends to run between $0.16$ and $0.2$
8. In step index fibre, the time interval at the output end or pulse dispersion is expressed as,
$\Delta \tau = \frac{\mu_{1} l}{c} \left ( \frac{\mu_{1}}{\mu_{2}} - 1 \right)=\frac{\mu_{1} l}{c} \Delta$
Where $l$ → The length of the fibre.
In a graded index fibre, the time interval at the output end or pulse dispersion is expressed as,
$\Delta \tau = \frac{\mu_{2} l}{2c} \left ( \frac{\mu_{1} - \mu_{2}} {\mu_{2}} \right)^{2}=\frac{\mu_{2} l}{2c} \Delta^{2}$
Where $l$ → The length of the fibre.
9. Pulse dispersion in multimode step-index fibre is large. Pulse dispersion in a graded-index fibre is small.
10. A good quality step-index fibre may have a bandwidth of $50 MHz km$ The equivalent graded-index fibre can have $200$, $400$, or $600 MHz km$ bandwidth.

Comparison of Single Mode and Multimode Index Fibres

Comparison of Single-Mode Index Fibres and Multimode Index Fibres→

S.No. Single Mode Index Fibre Multimode Index Fibre
1. In single mode index fibre, the diameter of the core is very small and is of the same order as the wavelength of light to be propagated. It is in the range $5\mu m - 10 \mu m$. The Cladding diameter is about $125 \mu m$. In multimode index fibre, the diameter of the core is large. It is in the range $30\mu m - 100 \mu m$. The Cladding diameter is in the range $125 \mu m - 500 \mu m$.
2. The difference in refractive indices of the core and cladding material is very small. The difference in the refractive indices of the core and the cladding materials is large.
3. In single-mode fibre, only a single mode is propagated. In multi-mode fibre, a large number of modes can be propagated.
4. Single mod fibre does require a much more sophisticated light source in order to launch enough light into the tiny core. Multi-mode fibre does not require any sophisticated light source.
5. Single-mode fibre is more expensive but more effective. Multimode fibre is less expensive.
6. The acceptance angle and the size of the acceptance cone of single-mode fibre are small. The acceptance angle and the size of the acceptance cone of multimode fibre are large.
7. The numerical aperture of single-mode fibre is small. The numerical aperture of multimode fibre is large.
8. Single-mode fibre has a very high information-carrying capability. Multimode fibre has low information carrying capability.
9. Single-mode fibre is used when sort distance communication is required. It is used for long-distance communication.
10. Model dispersion in single-mode fibre is almost nil. Model dispersion in multimode fibre is the dominant source of dispersion.
11. Material dispersion in single-mode fibre is low. Material dispersion in multimode fibre is large.
12. When a transmission has a very large bandwidth, single-mode fibre is used Example: Under Sea Cables. When the system bandwidth requirement is low, multimode fibres are used Example: Datalink

Numerical Aperture and Acceptance Angle of the Optical Fibre

Angle of Acceptance →
If incident angle of light on the core for which the incident angle on the core-cladding interface equals the critical angle then incident angle of light on the core is called the "Angle of Acceptance.
Transmission of light when the incident angle is equal to the acceptance angle
Transmission of light when the incident angle is equal to the acceptance angle

If the incident angle is greater than the acceptance angle i.e. $\theta_{i}>\theta_{0}$ then the angle of incidence on the core-cladding interface will be less than the critical angle due to which part of the incident light is transmitted into cladding as shown in the figure below
Transmission of light when the incident angle is greater than the acceptance angle
Transmission of light when the incident angle is greater than the acceptance angle
If the incident angle is less than the acceptance angle i.e. $\theta_{i}<\theta_{0}$ then the angle of incidence on the core-cladding interface will be greater than the critical angle for which total internal reflection takes place inside the core. As shown in the figure below
Transmission of light when the incident angle is less than the acceptance angle
Transmission of light when the incident angle is less than the acceptance angle
Acceptance cone →
The light entering the core in a cone of semi-vertical angle $\theta_{0}$ is transmitted in the core through total internal reflections. This cone is known as the acceptance cone.
Numerical Aperture
The sine of the angle of acceptance of the optical fibre is known as the numerical aperture of optical fibre.
The numerical aperture determines the light-gathering ability of the fibre. It measures the amount of light that can be accepted by a fibre. The numerical aperture depends upon the refractive index of the core and cladding material and does not depend on the physical dimension of the fibre. It is a dimensionless quantity that is less than unity. The value of the numerical aperture ranges from $0.13$ to $0.15$. A large numerical aperture implies that a fibre accepts a large amount of light from the source. It varies due to variations of refractive index in the core and it has zero value after the core-cladding boundary. The number of propagation modes to multimode graded-index fibre depends upon the parameter of numerical aperture and hence upon the relative refractive index difference $\Delta n$

Derivation of Angle of Acceptance and Numerical Aperture

Let us consider, step-index optical fibre for which

The incident angle on the axis of core = $\theta_{i}$
The refracted angle on the axis of core = $\theta_{r}$
The refractive index of core = $n_{1}$
The refractive index of cladding = $n_{2}$
The incident angle at the core-cladding interface = $\phi$.
Transmission of light when the incident angle is equal to the acceptance angle
Transmission of light when the incident angle is equal to the acceptance angle

When ray incident at point $A$ on the core then According to Snell's law

$\frac{sin \theta_{0}}{sin \theta_{r}}= \frac{n_{1}}{n_{0}} $

Where $n_{0}$ → refractive index of air and vacuum

$sin\theta_{0}=\frac{n_{1}}{n_{0}} sin \theta_{r} \qquad(1)$

Now the refracted ray incident at point $B$ at the interface of core and cladding. So for critical angle condition

$n_{1}\: sin\phi=n_{2} \: sin90^{0} $

$n_{1}\: sin(90-\theta_{r})=n_{2} \: sin90^{0} \qquad (\because \phi=90-\theta_{r})$

$n_{1}\: cos \theta_{r}=n_{2}$

$cos\theta_{r}=\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1}} \qquad(2)$


Now substitue the value of $cos\theta_{r}$ from equation$(2)$ to above equation then we get

$sin\theta_{r}=\sqrt{1- \left ( \frac{n_{2}}{n_{1}} \right)^{2}}$

$sin\theta_{r}=\frac{1}{n_{1}}\sqrt{n_{1}^{2}- n_{2}^{2}}$

Now substitue the value of $sin\theta_{r}$ in equation$(1)$ then we get

$sin\theta_{0}=\frac{n_{1}}{n_{0}}\frac{1}{n_{1}}\sqrt{n_{1}^{2}- n_{2}^{2}}$

$sin\theta_{0}=\frac{\sqrt{n_{1}^{2}- n_{2}^{2}}}{n_{0}}\qquad(3)$

This $sin\theta_{0}$ is known as Numerical Aperture. i.e.

$N.A.=\frac{\sqrt{n_{1}^{2}- n_{2}^{2}}}{n_{0}}$

If fibre is in the air then $n_{0}=1$ so the above equation can be written as

$N.A.=\sqrt{n_{1}^{2}- n_{2}^{2}}$

The equation $(3)$ also can be written as

$\theta_{0}=sin^{-1}\frac{\sqrt{n_{1}^{2}- n_{2}^{2}}}{n_{0}}$

The angle $\theta_{0}$ is known as the Angle of Acceptance.

The light is transmitted through the fibre when

$\theta_{i} < \theta_{0}$

i.e. $sin \theta_{i} < sin \theta_{0}$

$sin \theta_{i} < N.A.$

The light will be transmitted through the fibre with multiple total internal reflections when the above condition is satisfied.

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