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Showing posts with the label Kinematics Theory Of Gases

Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gases

German scientists R.Classius and J.C. Maxwell had propounded the kinetic theory of gases. According to this model, every gas is made up of very fine particles called molecules. All the molecules of a gas are similar in all properties. We know that $ 1 cm^{3}$ of water at $100^{\circ}C$ temperature and $1$ atmosphere pressure produces $1671 cm$ of water vapour. From this, it is known that the volume actually occupied by the molecules in $1671 cm^{3}$ of water vapour is only $1 cm^{3}$ and the remaining $1670 cm^{3}$ of volume is empty. In other words, we can say that in the gaseous state of matter, there is a lot of free space between the molecules. This fact is true for all gases. The molecules of gases are always moving randomly in all possible directions. During motion, these molecules collide with each other and with the walls of the vessel in which the gas is kept. After each collision, both the direction and speed of motion of these molecules keep changing. All collisions betw

Concept of Perfect Gas

Concept of Perfect (ideal) Gas: An imaginary gas whose properties are similar to the properties of a real gas (a gas whose molecules occupy space and interact with each other) at infinitely low pressure. This imaginary gas is called 'perfect gas' or ideal gas'. According to the definition, the following properties are imagined in a perfect gas : (1) It strictly obeys Boyle's law, Charles' law, and the law of pressure under all conditions of temperature and pressure. (2) Its pressure coefficient and volume coefficient are exactly equal to each other. (2) Its molecules are infinitesimally small. (3) There is no force of attraction between its molecules. Obviously, a perfect gas cannot be converted into a liquid or solid state, because a force of attraction is necessary between the molecules in the liquid or the solid state. In practice, the gases that are difficult to liquefy, such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium can be considered as p