Laws of photoelectric emission

There are the following laws of photoelectric emission:
Photoelectric Emission
1.) The rate of emission of photoelectrons from the metal surface is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light on the metal surface.

2.) The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons does not depend on the intensity of incident light.

3.) If the frequency of incident light is less than the threshold frequency then no photoelectrons will come out of the surface.

4.) If the frequency of incident light is equal to the threshold frequency then electrons will come out of the surface but the kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons will be zero.

5.) As the frequency of incident light increases greater than the threshold frequency, the maximum kinetic energy $K_{max}$ of photoelectrons emitted from the metal surface also increases.

6.) The value of threshold frequency depends upon the nature of the metal surface and its value is different for different metals.

7.) There is no time lag in the emission of photoelectrons to the metal surface i.e., as the light of proper from frequency is made to the incident on the metal surface, photoelectrons immediately come out of the surface within no time.

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