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Nuclear force and its properties

Nuclear Force A forces that act between the nucleons (i.e proton and neutron) inside the nucleus. This force is called the nuclear force. These forces are responsible to keep the nucleons bound inside the nucleus. Properties of Nuclear Force There are the following properties of nuclear force is given below. (i) These are strong nuclear forces otherwise protons cannot exist in the nucleus. (ii) The intensity of these forces is very large. The intensity of nuclear force is maximum among, so far known forces. (iii) It is not electrical in nature. If we assume them electrical forces, then the protons cannot reside in nucleus. (iv) These forces do not depend on charge. The force acting between the nucleons (such as proton-proton, neutron-neutron and proton-neutron) is of same nature. (v) These are not gravitational forces because the mass of the particles inside the nucleus is very small, while the magnitude of nuclear force is very large. (vi) These

Construction and Working of Nuclear Reactor or Atomic Pile

A nuclear reactor is a device within which a self-sustaining controlled chain reaction is produced by fissionable material. it is thus a source of control energy that is utilized for several useful purposes. The reactor has some important part which is given below: Fuel: The fassionable material such as Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 known as fuel. These materials play an important role in operating the nuclear reactor. Moderator: It slows down the neutrons to thermal energies through the elastic collision between its nuclei and fission neutrons. Thermal neutrons have a very high probability of fissioning Uranium-235 nuclei. Examples: heavy water graphite beryllium oxide. Heavy water is the best moderator. Control Rods: These rods are used to control the fission rate in the reactor. these Rods are fixed in the reactor walls. These rods are made up of the material of cadmium and Boron. These materials are g