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Showing posts from April, 2023

Description of Compton Effect : Experiment Setup, Theory, Theoretical Expression, Limitation, Recoil Electron

The Compton Effect 1 Compton Experiment Setup 2 Theory of the Compton Effect 3 Theoretical Derivation of Compton Effect (Equation of Compton Shift) 4 Limitation of Compton Effect 5 Compton Recoil Electron- 5(a)Relation between $\theta$ and $\phi$ 5(b) Kinetic Energy of the Recoil Electron 1.) Compton Experiment Setup: The Compton effect is used to verify the particle nature of matter by applying the photoelectric effect. The setup of the Compton experiment as shown in the figure below which consists of the following parts i.) X-ray source ii.) Collimator iii.) Target iv.) Bragg's Spectrometer i.) X-ray Source: The X-ray source is used to produce the monochromatic X-ray ii.) Collimators: The collimator

Inadequacy of classical mechanics

Classical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of macroscopic bodies or objects $(i.e \: the \: size \: range \: greater \: then \: 10^{-8}m)$ under the influence of forces. While it was groundbreaking when first developed by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century, it has certain limitations that were discovered over time. In this answer, we will discuss these limitations in more detail: Classical Mechanics is not applicable to extremely small objects: Classical mechanics assumes that particles have a definite position and momentum, which is not true in the quantum world. This limitation became apparent in the early 20th century with the discovery of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior or motion of particles on an atomic and subatomic level $(i.e \: the \: size \: range \: is \: in \: between \: 10^{-8}m \: to \: 10^{-15}m)$ i.e microscopic particles. It has been successful in explaining phenomena s

Classical world and Quantum world

Classical world vs Quantum world: The classical world and the quantum world are two fundamentally different ways of describing the behavior of matter and energy. In the classical world, the laws of physics are described by classical mechanics, which is based on the concepts of position, velocity, and acceleration of objects. Classical mechanics is deterministic, meaning that if you know the initial conditions of a system, you can predict its future behavior with complete accuracy. This is the world we experience in our everyday lives, and it is characterized by a continuous, smooth flow of events. In contrast, the quantum world is described by quantum mechanics, which is based on the behavior of particles on a subatomic scale. In the quantum world, particles do not have well-defined positions and velocities but rather exist in a superposition of many possible states. Moreover, measurements of quantum particles do not give deterministic results, but rather give probabilities

Intensity of a wave

Definition of Intensity of a wave: In a medium, the energy per unit area per unit time delivered perpendicuar to the direction of the wave propagation s caled the intensity of the wave. It is denoted by $I$. If the energy $E$ is delivered in the time $t$ rom area $A$ perpendicular to the wave propagation, then $I=\frac{E}{At} \qquad{1}$ Unit: $Joule/m^{2}-sec$ or $watt/m^{2}$ Dimensional formula: $[MT^{-3}]$ We know that the total mechanical energy of a vibrating particle is $E=\frac{1}{2}m \omega^{2} a^{2}$ Where $\omega$ is the angular frequency and $a$ is the amplitude of the wave. $E=\frac{1}{2}m (2\pi n)^{2} a^{2} \qquad \left( \omega=2\pi n \right)$ $E=2 \pi^{2} m n^{2} a^{2} \qquad(2)$ Where $m$ is the mass of the vibrating particle. Now substitute the value of $E$ from equation $(2)$ to equation $(1)$. So the intensity of the wave $I=\frac{2 \pi^{2} m n^{2} a^{2}}{At} \qquad(3)$ If the wave travels the distance $x$ in time $t$ with v

Difference between sound waves and light waves

Sound Waves: Sound waves are mechanical waves in nature. They need a medium to propagate and so cannot be produced in a vacuum. They can move in all types of mediums as solid liquid or gas whether they are transparent or not. They propagate in the form of longitudinal waves. The particle of the medium vibrates along the direction of the propagation and so contraction and rarefaction are formed there. These are three-dimensional waves. These waves do not show a polarization effect. For a normal human being the audible frequency range is $20$ to $20000 Hertz$. The speed of the sound waves is more in a dense medium than in a rare medium. Light waves: light waves are electromagnetic waves in nature. They don't need any medium and so can produce and propagate in a vacuum. Their velocity in a vacuum is the maximum of value $3 \times 10^{8} m/s$ They can move in a transparent medium only. They propagate in the form of transverse waves. The electric field and